Third acquisition for Moving Intelligence within a year.

ZALTBOMMEL, 19 July 2022 – Moving Intelligence has joined forces with UK-based security and tracking specialist, AMI Group Ltd. The acquisition marks an important step in the Dutch brand’s UK strategy.
Name change and new corporate design: PLT becomes Moving Intelligence

Berlin-based PLT Software GmbH, provider of GPS tracking and route planning software, changes its name on November 1, 2021 and, in addition to the name, will also adopt the corporate design of Moving Intelligence.
Moving Intelligence targets the United Kingdom after German acquisition

ZALTBOMMEL, October 12th 2021 – Moving Intelligence, the innovative Dutch market leader in the field of vehicle and equipment security, trip logging and fleet management, now targets the United Kingdom. Moving Intelligence is taking over Phantom Tracking Systems based in Stockport, near Manchester. Earlier this year Berlin based PLT Software GmbH was acquired.